
Galina Ramos, LMT, graduated with Distinction from Bodymechanics School of Myotherapy and Massage in Tumwater WA. Through her intuitive and precise treatment style, Galina is able to help her clients get back to living their daily lives quickly and effectively. She believes in deep trust and communication between client and therapist, which aids in attaining freedom of movement and freedom from pain. Galina has a passion for learning and advancing her skills and techniques to better serve her clients. She is drawn to the connections between fascia, nerves and muscles and how working with all layers of tissue can help bring the body to deeper healing. Galina believes in meeting the body where it is at and helping the body to attain balance within itself. This is most successful when both the client and therapist participate in the process. Galina has completed NM1 Neural Manipulation: Neuromaningeal Manipulation, an Integrative Approach to Trauma, through the Barrall Institute.


  • Neuro manipulation of major nerves such as sciatic nerve, brachial plexus, meninges (layers within the skull that surrounds the brain), femoral nerves to aid in range of motion, decrease of pain, migraine/headaches, whiplash symptoms.
  • Intra - oral / TMJD to help with snoring, sinus problems, jaw pain.
  • Myofascial release (MFR) to address deeper restrictions and stiffness, headaches/migraines, chronic pain, whiplash symptoms.
  • Trigger Point Therapy to release bound up muscles/tissue for relief of pain and added range of motion.
  • Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation (PNF) to aide in range of motion and muscle injury, addresses the mind-body connection for better treatment.

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