Man with brain stroke symptoms

What is Bio Cranial System?

Bio Cranial System is a natural, hands on approach to releasing the body's inborn capacity to heal and regenerate itself. BioCranial can be applied in only minutes, yet it has profound effects on overall health and well-being.

The BioCranial System works to return proper function to the nervous system and proper balance to body structure. Thus it has positive effects on conditions ranging from aches and pain to overall health and wellness.

Bio Cranial System makes a wonderful addition to anyone's health care regime.

The Dura/Mater Plays a Key Role

To understand the way the BioCranial System reduces stress and promotes wellness it is important for practitioners to be knowledgeable about the nature and function of the dura mater -literally translated as "tough mother."

The dura mater is a tough membrane composed of thick, dense, white, inelastic fibrous connective tissue. It protects the brain and the spinal cord.

The dura mater is also linked with spinal nerves extending throughout the body, as the epineurium of the peripheral nerves, a continuation of the dura mater of the central nervous system. The cranial dura is also tied in with the body's entire fascial system, and also with the endocrine system through its relationship to the hypothalamic-pituitary tract.

If there is a distortion of the normal bones, or a lack of proper movement at the cranial sutures, the dura mater becomes subject to tensions and stress. This dural stress can be transmitted to spinal segments and the sacrum, which in turn can increase the possibility of spinal misalignment, loss of spinal curves and structural imbalance.

The Bio Cranial System promotes wellness by relieving the strain within the cranial dura system. This helps to release tension in the nervous system and restore proper cerebrospinal fluid flow. Reducing strain on the cranial dura system also contributes to proper reintegration of the brain hemispheres. The treatment itself is a very mild one. To the patient the procedure simply feels like a slow and controlled stretching of the muscles in the neck and shoulder regions. The treatment takes only a couple of minutes and there are no quick, popping movements of the spine involved with the BioCranial System.

Patients who receive the BioCranial System routinely report positive changes in the following areas.

  • Neck and back (pain relief, increased range of motion)
  • Headaches
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Sleep quality and energy
  • Mental focus (clarity of thinking)
  • Stress relief, calm
  • Asthma
  • Digestive disorders
  • Sinus pain/pressure
  • Anxiety
  • Sports (strength and balance)

Can Bio Cranial System Help Me?

Many people with a wide variety of health problems have been helped using the Bio Cranial System. As the body is returned to optimum function it becomes possible for true healing and repair to begin. Often times even chronic problems have responded well to the BioCranial System approach after more conventional methods have failed.

BioCranial System practitioners considers consider themselves facilitators of "releasing" the body's own inborn capacity to heal and be well. Once this goal has been achieved you are in the best position possible for relief and healing to occur.

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